The mental health of students can affect their education, social life and emotional wellbeing. Therefore good mental health and wellbeing is essential for students.

To address the challenges students do through mentally, the health department of MEMHREP- GHANA, educated about 215 pupils of Okyerekrom M/A Primary School in the Ejisu district of the Ashanti region of Ghana on 10-03 -2023 at 9:00 am. Speaking at the event, Mr David Kwabena Sarkodie a community mental health nurse at MEMHREP educated the students about the early signs of mental illness such as confused thinking or problems concentrating , excessive worrying and irritability.

He was particularly alarmed about the increasing rate of suicide amongst the youth because of the neglect and stigma associated with mental illness in Ghana. He therefore urged the students to do away with drug and substance abuse since they contribute to mental illness.

To climax the 40 minute event, the headmistress of the school, Madam Joana Adu-Danso thanked the organization for the wonderful initiative of educating the general public especially the youth about the causes and prevention of mental illness. She also indicated that the doors of the school are always opened to MEMHREP-GHANA.