The Health Unit of MEMHREP GHANA on 24th February 2023 embarked on Mental Health Education ( MHE ) across schools in the Ejisu District of Ghana. First on the visit was Okyerekrom M/A JHS. The event started around 10 am at the school's auditorium with 10 teachers and 150 students in attendance.

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Speaking at the event, Mr Emmanuel Osei Tutu, Community Mental Health Nurse of MEMHREP touched on various causes and prevention of mental illness. He particularly talked about drug abuse, depression and anxiety because of its prevalence among the youth. He also urged the students to avoid self medication but rather seek proper medical attention from qualified practitioners when dealing with mental illness and physical illness in general.
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The headteacher of the school, Mr Alfred Opuni who sat amongst the students during the presentation was full of praise for MEMHREP's MHE initiative. He was especially fond of the simple yet touching presentation skills exhibited by the Health Unit of MEMHREP during the program. He therefore expressed his outfit desire to involve MEMHREP in it's future endeavors pertaining to mental health education. In his concluding remarks, Mr Alfred Opuni said " the team did very well and the issues talked about or discussed were very important and interesting".... We are very grateful that you( MEMHREP) came.

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