MEMHREP- GHANA is an NGO dedicated to seeking the welfare of persons living with mental health needs and also educating the general public on the causes and prevention of mental illness. On 10th March 2023, the health team of the NGO, educated teachers, staff and students of Asokore Mampong R/C Primary in Kumasi, Ghana.

The one hour event targeted the upper division of the primary section. Teachers and students who attended numbered around 400. The main educator at the program was Mr Emmanuel Osei Tutu, a community mental health nurse at MEMHREP-GHANA. He educated the participants on the causes of mental illness such as drug abuse, trauma or neglect, social isolation, severe or long stress, poverty or debt. He entreated the participants to avoid social vices such as smoking, betting, drug abuse and excessive fists of anger, which he noted are contributing factors to mental illness.

Mr Felix Boachie Darkwa, the assistant headmaster of the school, about acknowledged the efforts of MEMHREP- GHANA through its social media advocacy at addressing the deficiency in quality mental health delivery in Ghana.

He therefore commended the NGO and also urged them to continue with their mental healh education across the nation and beyond.