The development of every nation largely depends on the quality of health of its citizens. The youth forms the majority of the population of most nations across the world. Since they are the future leaders of every country, it is therefore important that their mental health needs are met.

The health train of MEMHREP-GHANA took them to Asokore Mampong M/A JHS A on 10th March 2023 as part of their Mental Health Education Week. The JHS conference hall hosted the program. The students who were all clothed in their Friday wears numbered about 350.

Leaners of the school were educated on the need to take their studies seriously and also on how to maintain good mental health to enhance productivity within the school, community and the country as a whole.

Mr Emmanuel Osei Tutu, a nurse at MEMEHREP advised the students to avoid bad peer pressure , abuse of drugs but rather report the early signs of mental illness to a specialist for treatment and also stop the stigma that comes with mental illness.